GROUP 01 - Music Video 2008/9: Call Sheet

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Call Sheet


- Will going to Private party filming some footage of party all he will need to take is the camera hopefully he can get permission to film.


- Were all going to Lode to film on Sunday at midday and meeting at wills house.

people we need to come are?

- JJ
- Nick
- Me
- Will
- Others

Equipment needed.

Dan is going to bring

- 2 Guitars
- 1 Breakable guitar
- 2 Amps
- 1 breakable amp
- Indie Clothing, ie skinny jeans, scarf, Dickish cap.
- Lyrics. Many copys.

Will is going to bring

- Drum kit
- Microphone
- Petrol
- Newspaper
- Waterproof goods

Josh will bring

- Nourishment
- matches

Nick is going to bring

- Thick Bose speakers to play our chosen song so lip syncing will be easier.

Other people will bring

- Usefull probs
- wood
- food

After we have done filming at Lode we have the opportunity to go to Uprizing ( a breakcore/ Dubstep night) this could add to the effect of the middle part of our video. We may not decide to go depending on how good our footage from the rest of the day is.




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