GROUP 01 - Music Video 2008/9

Wednesday 24 September 2008

homework - tool-sober

sober is the song from a band called tool. sober was one of there headlining songs for there album called undertow. tool have been around since 1990 and have made 4 main albums.

the video works on the storyline of a plasticine (druggie) having to get his hit from a box. the story follows him as he loses his box when he is high and he has to try and find it. it reflects deeply on the drug abusers in the world and also reflects on the bands previous drug use. we know that he is abusing drugs because he opens his box after he has re tied it up. after he opens it you see his chair lift up with him on it and this is him getting high.

the grim outlook on the video and the dark scenery creates an almost weird and surreal video. also the creepy and odd characters in the video create a sense of oddness and help the viewer to understand what he is going through.
the fact that you see the band members in the video helps people to understand what the band is like and what they were like.
the video is constantly swapping scenes and characters and shows you what is happening however it does this in an unconventional sense and changes randomly. also the fact of using plasticine creates an eary and weird layout and location, this also helps them to get any shot they want and have anything they want in the video.



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