GROUP 01 - Music Video 2008/9: Initial Thoughts and ideas

Saturday 13 September 2008

Initial Thoughts and ideas

As i stated earlier the genre of the song is not what we usually listen to. but i feel that we came up with a rather unique and special concept which i feel will create a very succesfull and impressive video. Our idea was to lull the audience into thinking we were making a standard Indierock music video such as using

- Alot of band shots
- Musical instruments shown and played
- Indie clothes, props

Then at a certain point in the song mabe the chourus or just after we are going to completely contrast the video with the song, making a music video more our own and allowing us to draw upon our musical influences and videos to crate a more agresssive pshycadellic feel.

A few music videos that gave us inspiration for the second part of our video were

The Bug- Poison Dart

We liked this video as it was something different very agressive and very pshycadellic looking. Although the video is animated it gave us a few ideas on what to include in our video. Such as mabe integrating some animated action or filming the performer live. The genre of the music is Dubstep and is agressive and slow and we feel that recording some live footage at a gig or concert may be the perfect contradicting footage to the music track we selected, as indie is more fast paced and calm.

While searching for music videos on youtube i came across some live performances of Dubstep artist. The energy and the look of the footage is ideal for what we are going to film.

Digital Mystikz - Haunted ( live at Dour 2008)

DMZ, Loefah, SGT Pokes- Spongebob

Caspa&Rusko - Live at Fabric london

These live dubstep performances i feel will play a big influential role in our contrasting music video. Although it will mean travelling to gigs with the equipment but i feel it is worthwile to obtain the footage.



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